We’re serious
about your fun

Our Story

The online gambling companion you can bet on

At the heart of CasinoPlay is team of casino enthusiasts who looked at the world of online gambling and decided there was something missing. They harnessed their gambling prowess to create an online gambling compendium, with the single mission of helping gamblers and players find their way around the online casino environment with ease and aplomb.

The result is this website, built with passion and experience to guide you in your gambling voyages, share the tricks of the trade, teach you what you need to know about your favourite games and give you the confidence to sit at the table like a pro.

The CasinoPlay Team

Picture of Graham Gordon - Head of product

Graham Gordon - Head of product

Graham has been passionate about casinos since the tender age of six, when he helped his dad restore an old one-arm bandit. Being in the game is where Graham finds his joy, so he completely understands the highs and lows of the casino world and has made it his mission to bring more highs to online gamblers.

Using his wealth of land-based and online casino experience to keep us in touch with the player perspective, he heads up the team at CasinoPlay with a lot of cheesy jokes and a twinkle in his eye.

Picture of Eddie da Silva - Head of development

Eddie da Silva - Head of development

Some days, you just can’t crack a grin from Eddie – he’s too damn focused on his work. But we can forgive his serious exterior because we know that when the chips are down, Eddie’s our man. He’s the foundation of the operation, and we know he’s got our backs, even if it is with a grimace.

Picture of Alan Mills - Casino game provider specialist

Alan Mills - Casino game provider specialist

Alan is the ultimate definition of a 21st century geek. He raves about games and game providers even in his downtime. If there’s a stone left unturned when it comes to news from game providers and the latest releases in the gaming world, you can bet that Alan will be on his way there.

Picture of Sue Marx - Casino test leader

Sue Marx - Casino test leader

Sue is all about fairness. Don’t mess with her when it comes to the player experience. Sue’s job is to lead our team of casino reviewers and game testers to make sure that they bring you the most useful information about every aspect of an online casino, from banking to bonuses and beyond.

She has been spotted climbing up ridiculous rock faces, and we’re assured she’s as tough with them as she is with every online casino we review.

Picture of Warren Heineker - Content leader

Warren Heineker - Content leader

Warren writes – he writes for fun, for relaxation, for expression, even just to reach out and help someone. He’s been writing since his teens, and has been involved in producing content for websites for most of his adult life, from academia to pop culture. He picked up an interest in online casinos while living the life as a travel writer in Europe, and now he heads up our writing team with a keen focus on getting the right information to gamblers about how to play smart.

Warren always keeps his head in moments of uncertainty, and he keeps a finger on the pulse by continuing to contribute content while managing the team.